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Friday, February 4, 2011

Azimut 2011, winter survey for the golden jackal populations, international stage in Romania


Specialized monitoring for the golden jackal species will take place in natural areas from southern Romania and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve between 9th-16th February 2011.

The organizers are Green Guard Environmental Control Corp of the Youth NGO Crispus Sibiu, National Hunting and Aquaculture Service of the RNP Romsilva and the National Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa" of Bucharest.

Specialists from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration were invited to participate in activities that will take place in the Danube Delta.

This Winter Stage, entitled "Azimut 2011", following pilot action in June 2010 and preliminary study in October 2010. Azimut 2011 is divided in three phases, depending on the study area.

The main objectives are to improve working technique, determining the variability inside and between clusters and to elaborate the strategy for the project "Structure and dynamics of golden jackal populations in natural areas in southern Romania and the Danube Delta in the period 2010-2015" project to submit for a possible financing.

In this action, participate directly Mr Ing Petre Gargarea, head of the National Service of Hunting and Aquaculture RNP ROMSILVA, organizer and coordinator of specific actions to monitor the golden jackal, in habitats where this mammal was reported, Dr Biol Dumitru Murariu, general director of the National Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa" in Bucharest, scientific reviewer in terms of biology and senior advisor for Golden Jackal actions so far.

In the first phase, which takes place near the Cheveresu Mare village in Timis county, will participate the biologists Dusko Cirovic from Serbia and Laszlo Szabo from Hungary.

At the second phase, which will take place in natural areas from Giurgiu and Calarasi counties, participate Laszlo Szabo and environmental biologist Giorgos Giannatos from Greece.

Third phase will take place in natural areas near Gura Dobrogei village from Constanta county and the marine Delta levees.

In Azimut 2011 action will participate Daniel Perez Vazquez, forestry Engineer and naturalist Juan Matute, both from Spain.

Consultants for scientific and technical support are Prof Dr Biol Boris Krystufek and Biol Miha Krofel from Slovenia, Biol Luca Lapini from Italy and Dr Biol Frank Zachos from Germany.

Environmental Biologist Ovidiu Banea,
Project Manager

ROMANIAN language

Azimut 2011

stagiu international de monitoring specializat la specia de sacal auriu in arii naturale din sudul Romaniei si in Delta Dunarii

Corpul de Control Ecologic Garda Verde al ONG Crispus Sibiu impreuna cu Serviciul National de Vanatoare si Acvacultura din cadrul RNP Romsilva si cu Muzeul National de Istorie Naturala “Grigore Antipa”din Bucuresti organizeaza a doua actiune de monitorizare la specia de sacal auriu in perioada 9-17 februarie 2011.

Specialisti din cadrul Administratiei Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii au fost invitati sa participe la activitatile ce se vor desfasura in Delta Dunarii.
Stagiul, intitulat "Azimut 2011",urmeaza actiunii pilot din luna iunie 2010 si studiului preliminar din octombrie 2010 si este impartit in 3 etape, in functie de zona de studiu.
Obiectivele principale sunt perfectionarea tehnicii de lucru, determinarea variabilitatii nucleelor populationale cuprinse in studiu (clusters) si stabilirea strategiei pentru proiectul “Structura si dinamica populatiilor de sacal auriu in arii naturale din sudul Romaniei si din Delta Dunarii in perioada 2010-2015”, proiect pe care organizatorii doresc sa il inainteze pentru o posibila finantare.
La aceasta actiune participa in mod direct domnul Ing Petre Gargarea, seful Serviciului de Vanatoare si Acvacultura din cadrul RNP Romsilva Romania, organizator si coordinator de actiuni specifice de supraveghere a sacalului auriu in habitatele unde acest mamifer a fost semnalat, domnul Dr Biol Dumitru Murariu, director general Muzeul National de Istorie Naturala “Grigore Antipa” din Bucuresti, referent stiintific in ceea ce priveste biologia sacalului auriu si consultant principal pentru actiunile de pana acum.
In prima etapa, care are loc langa localitatea Cheveresu Mare din judetul Timis, participa biologii Dusko Cirovic din Serbia si Laszlo Szabo din Ungaria. La cea de-a doua etapa, ce va avea loc in arii naturale din judetele Giurgiu si Calarasi participa biologul Laszlo Szabo si ecologul Giorgos Giannatos din Grecia. Etapa a 3-a se va desfasura in arii naturale de langa localitatea Gura Dobrogei din judetul Constanta si in zona de grinduri maritime din Delta Dunarii.
La actiunea Azimut 2011 mai participa Ing silvic Daniel Perez si naturalistul Juan Matute, ambii din Spania.
Colaboratori ai echipei “Azimut 2011” sunt si Prof Dr Biol Boris Krystufek din Slovenia, Biolog Miha Krofel din Slovenia, Biolog Luca Lapini din Italia si Dr. Biolog Frank Zachos din Germania.
Ecolog-biolog Ovidiu Banea,
Director de proiect

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